Case study: challenging a diverse and talented team to produce ground-breaking workplace training - GRC Solutions

Case study: challenging a diverse and talented team to produce ground-breaking workplace training

GRC Solutions’ Content Development Team consists of researchers, writers, editors, sub-editors, instructional designers and lawyers, all based in Australia

Over the years, our content development team has expanded to include a tapestry of diverse skills and expertise. We have senior and junior lawyers, instructional designers with degrees in industrial design and graphic design, L&D consultants with a Master of eLearning and a degree in education, and writers and editors with backgrounds in journalism and publishing.

We believe that this creative tension between learning and legal expertise helps to give us an edge when it comes to making overly technical compliance concepts come to vivid life, and equips us with the means to facilitate learner comprehension using the right words and as few words as possible.

We challenged this team to create a psychosocial hazards course, and on the back of that the team won a Platinum Award at the 2023 LearnXLive awards

Psychosocial hazards training was a course that we had wanted to develop for some time. The national harmonised Work Health and Safety Act now places a special duty on employers for the health and safety of all workers. But everyone has a responsibility to address psychosocial hazards – any aspect of work that could cause psychological harm (whether or not it also causes physical harm). We had already updated our existing Work Health and Safety course to reflect the inclusion of psychosocial hazards.

But we believed that there was a further need to demystify the concept.

At GRC Solutions we believe that skills and expertise go beyond qualifications; they involve lived experience. And the diversity of lived experiences within our team helps us to approach training topics from different angles.

We are conscious, for example, that the experience of a team member who has worked with us for years and the experience of a team member who joined us during the COVID pandemic are both valid and invaluable in the development of compliance training about work health and safety. We believe that individual team members’ creative pursuits, hobbies and volunteering for various social causes can contribute to the way they understand and communicate key concepts in our training, including governance, risk and compliance.

Imagine what this team can do for you!

Read about our team and the way they ran this project in the case study here

Gated Content - Case Study 2