Boardroom Insider -Specialised Mini Class elements target your board needs - GRC Solutions

Boardroom Insider -Specialised Mini Class elements target your board needs

4 Modules


Ralph Ward’s Boardroom Masterclass has proven popular with business audiences across the world. With in-depth discussion on the development and role of boards, governance best practice, structuring effective boards, leadership, and handling “inside the boardroom” conflicts. One reason for the Masterclass’s popularity has been its modular approach, allowing the addition of elements custom tuned to local needs and program requirements. Some of these include:

The Board Role in Risk Oversight

How does the board assure systems that give them good risk oversight? Shaping a board-based risk assessment process. How do you assess the risk assessments management gives you? What risks must your board monitor (inside, outside — and even from within the board), and what board controls policies do you need?

Staff Support For Boardroom Excellence

A board of directors is only as effective as the support it receives from the company secretary, company counsel, the CFO and auditors. What roles do these executives play in assuring good board functions and governance oversight? What tools, practices and structures can they use to boost board processes, educate directors, and keep the company (and its officers) out of danger?

How to get on a board (and what to expect when you get there)

Best-practice advice and counsel for C-level execs and other “board wannabes” on how to get onto a board of directors. Is your current career vitae helping you gain a board seat — or holding you back? What “counts” as board experience (there’s more than you think). Are you really using your network to gain a board seat at present? Board outreach venues you never thought about. Do you really want to accept that board offer? Making boards part of your career strategy.

Boardroom secrets hidden in Governance Codes

Corporate governance worldwide has produced a deluge of “best practice” codes and rules. The OECD, the IMF, ICGN, the IOD, and other groups have developed extensive codes on how boards and governance should function. Added to this are countless country and regional codes. Reviewing all of these would be a life’s work, but, hidden away in these codes, are some excellent ideas that can improve any board of directors. By selecting from these specialized elements, you can fine-tune your Boardroom Masterclass to deliver precisely the knowledge your audience demands.


Customise this course

Do you have a policy or process, or some subject-matter expertise that you would like to add to this course?

Talk to us about ways we can quickly tailor the course to suit your needs.

Boardroom Insider -Specialised Mini Class elements target your board needs


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Boardroom Insider -Specialised Mini Class elements target your board needs


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Boardroom Insider -Specialised Mini Class elements target your board needs


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