The first reporting period under the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act ended on 30 June 2020.
Reporting entities will need to show in their Modern Slavery Statements (originally due on 31 December 2020, but now extended to 31 March 2021) that they have taken action to address modern slavery risks in their supply chains.
In a webinar presented on 4 May, GRC Solutions combined with Kimberly Randle, Executive Director and Principal Lawyer at FairSupply to address these and other issues.
Modern Slavery Training (Australia)
A three module course covering an introduction to modern slavery, techniques for keeping it out of your supply chains, and complying with the Australian law Details here
Modern Slavery (Non Jurisdictional)
Two modules on identifying and preventing modern slavery Details here
Facilitated Learning for directors and officers Contact us to enquire
Consulting on your compliance systems Details here