Breaches can result in a penalty of up to $10 million for companies and up to $500,000 for individuals per offence.
Reduce risk and avoid personal liability
Competition and Consumer Protection is one of our most popular courses. Our new course refreshes the training, making it even more accessible and succinct than ever – using plain English, practical examples and an engaging new visual design.
The Competition and Consumer Act (CCA) affects every facet of your business and at all levels, from the sales and marketing teams to contractors engaged in individual projects. Pleas of ignorance, either from an employee who didn’t know about the law or from senior management claiming ignorance of employees’ actions, will fall on deaf ears in the event of a dispute.
This course describes the various anti-competitive behaviours that are recognised and prohibited by the CCA. As with all Salt Compliance courses, you can choose who needs to study which module. Introducing Competition Law explains the basics and addresses all staff. Anti-Competitive Behaviour appears in two formats: in a single module suitable for all employees and two-module advanced training which caters for employees with additional workflow responsibilities. There are also optional modules that focus specifically on product liability and the competition law concerns that relate to advertising.
Who needs this training?
Anyone who is involved in business transactions or external communication with customers, suppliers and the general public needs some understanding of competition and consumer law. The same rules apply to frontline staff and senior executives.
Course outline
- Module 1: Consumer protection law (All staff)
- Module 2: Competition law (All staff)
- Module 3: Advanced competition law (Managers)
- Module 4: Advanced – Incident management (Managers)
- Module 5: Product liability (Targeted staff)
- Module 6: Advertising and sales (Targeted staff)
You will have 90 days to complete this course.