Insider Trading (Australia) - GRC Solutions

Insider Trading (Australia)

4 Modules


Many organisations have a large number of employees who could come into contact with confidential information that could affect the share price of a listed company. Are all of your employees familiar with insider trading laws? A person does not need to be an employee of a stockbroker or merchant bank to be caught by these laws. Many listed companies have a large number of employee shareholders. Those employees should know when they can trade in the company’s shares.

Who is this training for?

This training is suitable for anyone who comes in contact with confidential information regarding the share price of a listed company, such as:
  • personal assistants
  • senior managers
  • staff in mail rooms
  • IT departments

Custom courses

We have two versions of this course available:
  • Generic course
  • Insider Trading for Financial Services Organisations

Course outline

Module 1: Introduction to insider trading
Module 2: Who is an insider?
Module 3: What is trading?
Module 4: Trading in Your Companys Securities?
  Please note, you will have 90 days to complete each course. If you are purchasing this course for multiple people, when your payment has processsed you will need to provide the user details of the people who are to be enrolled in to Salt. This information will be outlined in your order confirmation / Tax Invoice.


Customise this course

Do you have a policy or process, or some subject-matter expertise that you would like to add to this course?

Talk to us about ways we can quickly tailor the course to suit your needs.

Insider Trading (Australia)


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Insider Trading (Australia)


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Insider Trading (Australia)


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